Wednesday, December 28, 2011

ipod touch

I have been saving up for an iPod touch and I actually made my goal the day after Christmas, so it was the best Christmas ever. I hope that I can get a lot of cool and awesome games  on it! Soon I will get a case for it. I had to wait a long time to save up my money for an iPod touch. I had to save  up $195 to reach my goal and now it is over cause I made my goal. Today I am going hunting so I will have a lot of time  to play around on my iPod Touch.         

Friday, November 25, 2011

iPod touch

If I ever get an iPod touch for my birthday I will  have loads of fun. I'd be able to read  a lot of books then when I'm done reading one book I'll download another book. I could also play a game on it to have some fun when I'm bored or I could put my music from my iPod onto my iPod touch, it will have more room on it for music instead of on my iPod. I could even take pictures or videos on it, when I see something cool.Or maybe keep track of dates class work or assignments saved on a calender . It would make my life much more organized for school or scouts.  Oh how I wish I had an iPod touch for my birthday and all the wonderful things I could do with it! It will make life much easier!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Boy Scout Camp

this weekend I went to a boy scout camp. It was very fun first we went to a military base in Fort Sill Oklahoma. we got to look at and hold four our five different guns. we even got to see people shoot the different types of guns with different sized bullets. after that we went to a field museum it showed tanks and other artillery from the revolutionary war till the present. we walked inside a building it showed things from the Vietnam war, Iraq war, revolutionary war, world war 1, and world war2. then we went to our camping grounds to set our tents up, my tent partner was Hayden. it took us a while to set the tent up because it was so windy. soon  the older scouts left to go on a long hike while the younger scouts worked on a geology merit badge. we went to a cliff to work on the merit badge. then we went back to camp and started on dinner i was one of the three cooks making pasta for dinner. but when dinner was severed i had a bowl but  I could not find my fork. so I just used my knife to eat the pasta instead. then we cleaned our dishes and our chuck boxes. the older scouts soon got back and i was ready for bed. I went to the tent and I read my star wars book for a while then Hayden came in too. Soon we were fast asleep. At 1:00 the wind started blowing so hard and fast that it woke me up .then soon we had to pack all our things into the trailer along with our tents. after that we had a police patrol line to look for trash and make sure there is no trash left behind. finally we got to eat then get on the bus and leave.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thankful list

It is almost Thanksgiving.  Here is my Thankful List for this year,  I am Thankful for,
  1. Dogs
  2. cats 
  3. parrots
  4. rabbits
  5. foxes
  6. bears
  7. hawks
  8. snakes
  9. lizards
  10. cardinals
  11. blue jays
  12. macaws
  13. turkey
  14. chicken
  15. quail
  16. eagles
  17. falcons
  18. coyotes
  19. elephants
  20. monkeys
  21. steak
  22. Wii
  23. Alison
  24. Mom
  25. Dad
  26. Grammie
  27. Grampie
  28. Grandpa
  29. Marme
  30.  Noah
  31. Heather
  32. Walter
  33. Dyson
  34. Dalton
  35. Aunt Kay
  36. Spencer
  37.  U.S Army
  38. U.S Air Force
  39. U.S Navy
  40. Marines
  41. phones
  42. computers
  43. video games
  44. Star wars
  45. Indiana Jones
  46. Harry Potter
  47. Television
  48. football
  49. baseball
  50. hockey
  51. basketball
  52. soccer
  53. Frisbee golf
  54. doctors
  55. Jacob
  56. Carter
  57. Josslyn
  58. Steve
  59. Stephen
  60. Hayley
  61. Kevin
  62. Hayden
  63. Owen
  64. Mr. Pat
  65. Mrs. Shawn
  66. Mrs. Amy
  67. Mr. Cary
  68. Bryce
  69. Danielle
  70. Darian
  71. Jerry
  72. Rex
  73. Sunny
  74. Roxie
  75. Benny
  76. Shelby
  77. Mrs. Collete
  78. Mr. Mark
  79. Caleb
  80. Jesie
  81. Marble
  82. Books
  83. Cows
  84. Goats
  85. Pigs
  86. skunks
  87. Helicopters
  88. Air Planes
  89. Mario Kart
  90. Lego Club
  91. fish
  92. Starfish
  93. Crabs
  94. Dolphins
  95. Orcas
  96. Blue Whales
  97. Humpback Wales
  98. The Bible
  99. The first settlers from England
  100. My life

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Heart

Last week when I was at school I got to dissect a Pig's Heart in science class. First we had to cut it in half but not all the way  so we could see the four chambers, left and right atrium, left and right ventricles. Then we took  both of the atrium out of the heart so we could get a better view of it. I poked the top of the heart and it was very squishy like there was something alive in the heart. I even took pictures of  it with my phone camera.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Boy Scout Camp

I went camping with boy scouts this weekend it was an amazing adventure to have.
There was a cook off there our patrol we got fourth place and we were working great as a team. The secret ingredient was cream cheese. We made shepherds pie. We mixed the cream cheese into the mashed potatoes. 
We all went swimming too the water was nice and cool, we even played football.
I was the patrol leader for this camp out,   the patrol leader is in charge of buying the food and keeping the patrol in shape.

 This camp out was the best camp out this month.

Monday, August 22, 2011


When we went to Colorado we did a lot of things.
We played a lot of golf, mini golf , bumper cars and go karts.
We even watched Rio it was amazing I loved it a lot I want it on DVD. 
We got to go see the Smurfs in 3D it was so good that I will buy it on DVD.
We even went down a  Mountain Slide I went down it at full speed on a sled.
I loved this Trip!
I hope we go again next year!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Today I went to Haggard to get my school supplies.
when I went to see my locker it did not open so I had to get a different locker and it opened. I met the nurse she was nice. I even got a haggard t-shirt. I saw a lot of my friends there. I got a rack for in my locker and a flash drive too. I like this school a lot, this will be a great year.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Summer is my favorite Season because you can go swimming.
In summer you can also go to the beach and fly kites.
You can also do a lot of fun activities.
You can even go to the movie theater.
Or you can even go on a trip out of the state.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I am

I am eleven years old
I wonder how many ribs i can eat
I hear steak calling my name
I see corn coming to me
I want a lot of sea food
I am a bunch of meatloaf
I pretend i own all the meatloaf in the world
I feel like eating meatloaf, steak, and ribs
I touch corn on the cob
I worry that steak may be extinct
I cry when shrimp fall out of the sky
I am the king of sea food
I understand that you eat mac & cheese
I say you should eat eggs
I dream of steak
I try to sing for the steak
I hope it rains cheese burgers
I am the king of ice cream

Monday, July 25, 2011

my room

my room is Grey. In my room are some neat posters, an arrow of light, rabbit skin, and a white board. I even have my own reading area. I liked painting my room.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I went to a boy scout camp in Colorado. It was really fun. I went white water river rafting.
I even played soccer in the rain and in hail. I bought some cool things at the trading post.
Grandpa and Marmie came to visit me while I was there.
 This was at the air force academy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Elephants really get down with sound- way down. Elephants are able to hear an extremely low frequency sound called infrasound, ( Infra means below).

Cooling off

Elephants use their ears to cool off. The elephants ear is like an over grown fan fit for a mammal that big.

Fun facts

When elephants produce infrasound their foreheads start vibrating.

Mother elephants will do anything to keep their young safe and sound.



By Patrick Bell

There once was a boy named Fred. Fred was short and skinny.

His favorite movie is star wars. He has a dog named Gus.

He loves his dog. Fred likes to go on adventures too!

This is Gus and Fred.

Fred likes scuba diving, snow ball fights, and Halloween.

The End

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


  1. swim at Amanda's pool.
  2. swim team at tom Mullen beck
  3. boy scout camp
  4. camp in Colorado
  5. go to six flags
  6. go to sea world
  7. go to see harry potter and the deathly hollows part 2
  8. go to Canada
  9. go to Joe's crab shack
  10. go to Dukes
  11. go to Fuddruckers
  12. go to the Alamo
  13. go to the movies
  14. go to Disney world
  15. go to Disney land
  16. go to jack carter
  17. go to life time fineness
  18. go see Grandpa and Marme in Castle Rock
  19. go to see Grammy and Grampie
  20. go to Vancouver island
  21. Hayden's house
  22. Lego land
  23. bike rides
  24. fish bowl
  25. play with cousins
  26. play with dog
  27. eat
  28. play pogo swing
  29. play toss the turtle
  30. play kid catapult
  31. play pig toss
  32. go to Hawaii
  33. go on a cruise boat
  34. pet a cow

Sunday, January 9, 2011


today it snowed in Dallas.
me, Ali ,and Bryce played out in the snow.
it was cold but fun.
i hope we get another snow day like today's was.

I'm loving it.